
CHB LAYING,How to use concrete hollow blocks build the wall

How to use concrete hollow blocks build the wall:

CHB Laying = Masonry

  • Masonry is the term for building structures by laying individual units (brick, stone, concrete block) and binding them (by cement mortar and rebar).
  • In the Philippines, the Concrete Hollow Block is the common masonry.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Why use CHB Walls?

  • Strong and durable
  • Fire-resistant and Non-combustible
  • Weather Resistant
  • Cheap
  • Availability. Materials are available anywhere in the Philippines

The Disadvantages?

  • Complex
  • Labor intensive

All About Concrete Hollow Blocks

  • The common types available in the market are the CHB 6" and CHB 4"

Good Tips & Common Mistakes

  • Whenever possible, get supply from a single manufacturer of CHB. Basing from experience, there are size differences per manufacturer.
  • Beware of suppliers that deliver under-aged CHBs. Under-aged CHBs lack strength and will easily crack and crumble.

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