
Interlocking Earth Compressed Bricks (IECB) hot in Sri Lanka

Interlocking Earth Compressed Bricks (IECB) hot in Sri Lanka

A truly unique and environmentally friendly form of building material - interlocking stabilized earth compressed bricks. They look stylish and impart an individualistic and earthly natural tone.

Its special design enables it to accommodate electrical and water supply systems to virtually anywhere in the building while complimenting the natural surrounding and environment.
Best of all, the cost of houses built with them are amazingly economical and affordable, giving you extremely high value and beauty for relatively very little money.
Since 1950 many laboratories became specialized and skilled in identifying various soils for buildings. Many more projects were born especially in Africa, South America, India and also South East Asia, Europe, United States of America and now in Sri Lanka.
By using, Interlocking Earth Compressed Bricks it is
  • Convenient to construct a house.
  • Sand and Cement usage is comparatively less
  • Labour usage is less
  • Time consumption for construction is less

Building Use this interlocking earth compressed bricks in Sri Lanka

How to produce these Interlocking Earth Compressed Bricks (IECB)

All these interlocking brick machine can produced Sri lanka compressed earth blocks.
Working video:

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CHB LAYING,How to use concrete hollow blocks build the wall

How to use concrete hollow blocks build the wall:

CHB Laying = Masonry

  • Masonry is the term for building structures by laying individual units (brick, stone, concrete block) and binding them (by cement mortar and rebar).
  • In the Philippines, the Concrete Hollow Block is the common masonry.

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Why use CHB Walls?

  • Strong and durable
  • Fire-resistant and Non-combustible
  • Weather Resistant
  • Cheap
  • Availability. Materials are available anywhere in the Philippines

The Disadvantages?

  • Complex
  • Labor intensive

All About Concrete Hollow Blocks

  • The common types available in the market are the CHB 6" and CHB 4"

Good Tips & Common Mistakes

  • Whenever possible, get supply from a single manufacturer of CHB. Basing from experience, there are size differences per manufacturer.
  • Beware of suppliers that deliver under-aged CHBs. Under-aged CHBs lack strength and will easily crack and crumble.

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